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Government announces new Economic Advisory Board

Government has announced the establishment of an economic advisory board chaired by former Deputy Central Bank Governor Dr Terrence Farrel.

Other members of the board include:

Professor Karl Theodore, a former University of the West Indies Economics Lecturer

David Abdullah, Trade Union Leader

Alison Lewis, former Permanent Secretary in the Finance Ministry

Dr Rolph Balgobin, former Executive Director of the University of the West Indies’ Institute of Business

Dr Marlene Attz, University of the West Indies Economist

Trevor Lynch, Director of Hydro Tech Ltd

Communications Minister Maxie Cuffie made the announcement at a Post Cabinet Media Briefing today. He said two additional names will be announced in due course.

The purpose of the board, Cuffie said, is to develop and maintain a model of the economy that will allow for analysis of the short and long term impacts of alternative policies and investment, and also for developing an approach for national innovation. He promised to share the board’s terms of reference. This announcement comes on the heels of one made last week by Cabinet, of a committee set up to examine the operations of special purpose companies and fully-owned state enterprises. That committee is also chaired by Dr Farrell.
